I have realised today that the whole point of this blog, the whole reason I started it in the first place is complete and utter nonsense. I decided to do this as an outlet to vent my anger or frustrations at all the annoyances of life. But I have come to the startling if not shocking conclusion that it is all utterly futile, pointless, egotistical even.
I have ranted about TV programmes and football mainly but life is much more important than that, there are much more important things in life than moaning about things that make you angry. There are people out there who suffer genuine pain and misery who’s lives have been devastated by major events, death and destruction and we all sit here and agonise over absolute nonsense worrying about things that are so trivial so materialistic that we should be ashamed of thinking them.
We also cause our own pain and misery by virtue of our actions, we do it to ourselves, we do things we shouldn't, say things we shouldn’t and then agonise about how hurt or lost we are, that we are not getting this or that out of life and while we waste our existence on this nonsense, not only does life pass us by but we ignore the people out there who are in real pain have real agonies which they had no control over.
We have become a society of moaners, constantly whinging about being wronged. Well we have not been wronged WE CONTROL OUR ACTIONS AND OUR LIVES!!!! and we are the only ones who can make a difference.